Friday Fictioneers: Hung over and feeling empty

This week’s Friday Fictioneers has so much going on — from multiple keyboards to an actual Tears for Fears album (I think that’s what it is anyways) in the corner. Going to be interesting to see what stories develop from such a diverse (yet cramped) photo. Anyways, in 100 words or fewer, here’s my offering.

I would’ve traded all of it, handed it over without a thought, every last piece of music in that room to journey back to when that bottle of beer was full. The day I shared that bottle was the last day I was happy.

I remember the feel — still the coldest beer I’ve ever had; the sweetness — chocolate stout with a hint of vanilla; the sharing — passing it back and forth with her at the top of the Eiffel Tower.

I don’t know what went wrong. But by the time the elevator touched down at the base, we were over.


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